Willemijn de Dreu
- Over 15 years of experience
- Attractive prices
- Beautiful place in the middle of nature
- Sustainable stay
- Good facilities (swimming pond, sauna, water from a natural spring)
Willemijn is committed to the dancing path and the freedom it brings for so many. She is the co-creator and hostess of this Conscious dance Festival at Sadhaka.
She is known for her fiery yet grounded presence and her gentle way of healing through movement. She effortlessly weaves shamanic threads in her teachings, with a great sensitivity to what is arising in the field. She has taught worldwide, with many different people & cultures.
I love my work. I love moving bodies, the rise and fall of energy, the ever-changing dance of life. I love people, the journey’s we go through. I love music. All these elements are woven together to a safe space where we can explore, laugh, cry, connect and celebrate.
Hope you dance.”
Willemijn de Dreu is a conscious dance facilitator
Willemijn de Dreu will guide the journey into the landscape of the dance.
She has more then 20 years experience in the field of conscious dance, 5Rhythms ™, OpenFloor, SystemicRitual® and she is currently in a Somatic Experiencing training based on Peter Levine’s trauma work.
Every workshops with Willemijn ia a high energetic movement experience. You don’t have to be super fit to join, for every body and every age there is a lot to explore and to enjoy. The start is alway’s to move with your own capacities and energy level.
Willemijns offering during the Love of Life Libido Fundamentals week will roughly look like this:
- Coming home in your body, awakening the senses. In order to connect with yourself, you want to be present in the moment and home in your body. So many stories and imprints on how we perceive our selves. We dance to ground and breathe, smell, taste.
- Shame & Pride. We’ll move with the basic vocabulary of sensuality and sexuality and the story’s we create. Through dance the heart opens. What do you like, what you don’t like, and what does your body has to say about that.
- Female Energy. Whatever gender you identify with, we’re all made from an egg and a sperm. A delicious dance with the emphasis on ‘egg’ energy.
- Masculin Energy. A tribal dance with the emphasis on ‘sperm’ energy.
- Activating & Settling. Riding the waves of arousal, containment, release in orgastic energy and then resting. Afterplay.
Private sessions – If there are places in your body, heart, mind which feel stuck, or anxious, or frozen, and you’d like some support to move forward, Willemijn offers SE sessions during the retreats, based on Peter Levine’s trauma work.
Visit Willemijns website, or to get in contact with her: www.willemijndedreu.com