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Tantra Festival France 2025 – Let Your Heart Glow

  • Over 15 years of experience
  • Attractive prices
  • Beautiful place in the middle of nature
  • Sustainable stay
  • Good facilities (swimming pond, sauna, water from a natural spring)

Video by Arthur Kamadeva


The Sadhaka Tantra festival is unique in its kind

In the of middle France, hidden among nature, removed from the hustle and bustle of city life you will find our exclusive Tantra festival. This intimate festival is accepting just 70 like-minded participants. Theme of this 6th edition is LET YOUR HEART GLOW.  Everyone is welcome; whether you are a Tantra newbie, a well experienced Tantrika, are single or in couple, of any specification. Throughout this festival we will be diving deep! You can expect full spirit, meaningful interactions, connectivity, loving and sharing experiences. Some of the best known educators in Tantra will offer their knowledge for you to find your inner guidance, and create more meaningful relationships within yourself and with others.

Together we can dive deep!

During the festival we will gradually familiarise you with energy, with your own body and your relationship to others. This will be achieved through a variety of meditations, emotional body work, and a variety of other Tantric exercises. The festival will inspire you to live to your full potential and celebrate life, to let go of your fears, to fully relax, and to experience total freedom in the embracing of your true self. The meditations and exercises are focussed on connecting from heart to heart, going deeper inside oneself and to be fully present in the now. The festival is about being open to giving and receiving, to yourself and to others and going beyond the illusion of the physical body, to dive deeper into yourself, and your surroundings.

Together we will discover different aspects of our being in a playful way – within a safe, supportive and loving community.


The direct translation of Tantra is: expanding, deepening. It is all about breaking free from societal and religious conditioning. Every day we are faced with human conditioning which withholds us from living in full freedom. Each of us knows what is within and beyond our comfort zone, we are inviting you to broaden and / or lift this limitation you put upon yourself. Could it be that you are not yet aware of your own potential? Our program of playful workshops with constant support and feedback, will allow you to lift these limitations and move into your authentic self.

Click here for more information about Tantra.

Tantra as a study in enlightenment

The focus of the Tantra is on self-realization and achieving enlightenment, the experience of cosmic unity. The workshops and exercises are aimed towards making contact with, and perfecting our female and male energy within ourselves. To strengthen and raise the life energy (prana) by balancing the chakras.

Love love love comes through all the cracks. It flows out, in and out… From the source and back. Thank you so much for your energy, connection and this beautiful place.



The program starts daily before breakfast with a 1-hour varying morning workshop. Every day you make a choice out of three different workshops in the morning and three different workshops in the afternoon. Each workshop lasts an average of 2.5 hours. Teachings take up to 7 hours a day.

In the workshops there are individual exercises, with a partner and with the group.

The teachers work closely together in order to move you in their group sessions gradually and synchronically from earthly to ever-refined energy, through awareness and healing of your own body to opening for love and connection with the deeper layers within yourself and with the people around you.

In the festival program you find:

Janie & Fredrik

  • IT’S all about the BASE GROUNDING- ARRIVING – as Bodies as Souls
  • It’s all about the HEART HEALING – OPENING – TRUSTING
  • It’s all about CONNECTING Whole Body opening to receive
  •  It’s all about LISTENING Opening to the higher fields through the body
  • It’s all about INTEGRATION Moving sexual energy alone together and as a group & Embodied Meditation.

Lin Holmquist

  • Tantric Meetings: Get to know new people in a new, playful and exciting way. The best start to a wonderful festival.~ Energetic Boundaries: energetic orgasms, and energetic boundaries for a more juicy and safe tantric practice.
  • Empty Hand: experience a thrilling feeling of bliss running through your body, as you become the vessel of source energy.
  • Yoni Healing: Experience your yoni as the portal to God and anchor vitality, enjoyment and rest.
  • The Circle: In this tantric ritual, you will let go of what keeps you from seeing God in yourself, in others and in life.

Mascha Loschmann

        • for fine tuning our human connection and the acknowledgement of how difficult, ironic, joyful and confronting life can be.

This is just a small part of our toolkit for you, in order to experience you, to (re)discover all your flavours, to grow, heal, liberate yourself, peel of the onion to become more open, free, conscious, alive and reveal the light being that you already are…

Daily Schedule

Arrival Sunday 17th of August during the afternoon from 4 pm. Diner at 7 pm is included. The festival starts with an opening ceremony on the first evening.

08.00 to 08.45 – Wake up practice
09.45 to 10.30 – Day opening
10.45 to 13.00 – Morning program followed by lunch and a break
15.30 to 18.00 – Afternoon program
21.00 – evening program such as play party, love temple, mantra chanting, ecstatic dance…

Halfway through the week there is a free afternoon; go for a walk in the beautiful surroundings, lose yourself in a book from our library, swim in our lake, sweat it out in the sauna, or simply lounge in a hammock and daydream about life.  One day there are separate workshops for men and women, with a reunion ceremony in the evening.
Importantly, there is time and space to process whatever you have experienced throughout the day. Questions are never too much, and can be asked.

The week will be closed as a group Friday on the final evening. Saturday morning 23rd of August after breakfast it is time to say goodbye.

Testimonials from previous participants

“Wow we are all Buddhas …”. We met the Buddha, in ourselves and in the other. Special, surprising, confronting, open, free. A beautiful learning process. (Michelle and Chris)

What a week, what a time. I have felt a lot, and even more. Beautiful Buddhas, nature, delicious food. What else can a man wish for? I am seeing my life little by little in the Sadhaka light. (Stijn)

My Tantra week: Experiencing together with my love and the group what happens when we take off our masks and are not afraid to open up. I connected with the loving, fragile and in the same time such a powerful being inside myself. Going through the outside layers of the physical body and making contact on energy level. If every person on earth could have this experience at least once in his life, there would be less war! Thank you so much for making sure everyone has an amazing week and for your love. (Jos)

Unfamiliar with Tantra, I somehow ended up at the doorstep of Wim and Chandra. Seven days later and my heart is overflowing with love. Tantra deepened the compassion for myself and for the other. Thank you loving people of Sadhaka for your hospitality, the fantastic ambiance, the delicious food and the safe surroundings that allowed me to grow into myself. (Trees)

Who is this festival for?

The festival is open to everybody! Beginners and experienced Tantrikas wether you are single or in couple, of any specification. We can always go deeper. Everage age of the participants lies between 40 and 60 years.

Important to know

      • You are free to participate partly, less intensively or not at all
      • There is no ‘dress’ code. For some exercises it is practical to be naked, it is not a must. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable. Men bring white clothes, women bring red for the ceremony at the end of the mens and womens day.
      • Sadhaka offers a safe and accessible environment for you to develop personally, spiritually and to grow in consciousness.
      • You agree to our conditions upon subscription, for creating a safe space for inner growth and sexual healing for you and the people around you.


We are thrilled Fredrik and Janie will host the festival for their 3rd year at Sadhaka! Fredrik Swan is a powerful performer. With his music he brings playfulness and masculine vulnerability bridging differences into a strong sense of solidarity and unity. Janie Petersen, Tantric relationship coach, has a clear sense of harmony and soft and natural leadership, not afraid to bring in both light and shadow. Together they live a free relationship, full of love and infectious life energy that leaves no one unseen or untouched.

Together with a team of Tantra facilitators they create a varied program.

Lin Holmquist is back at our venue. She is a Tantric body- and energyworker and dakini traveling the world arranging workshops and festivals including one of the largest Tantra Festival in Angsbacka, Sweden.

Michael Finkel creates transformational spaces including embodiment, Tantra, Conscious Touch, and Radical Honesty as a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) trainer.

Mascha Loschmann will be supporting and teaching, for fine tuning our human connection and the acknowledgement of how difficult, ironic, joyful and confronting life can be.

Tristan and Sofia, creating magic on the dance floor at the morning openings and in the evenings with Ecstatic Dance journeys.

Johanna Kaisjoki is the festival photographer. With her years of experience in photographing sensitive events she will capture the magic at the festival.
She will also offer private empowering portrait sessions, to be booked at the venue.

More info soon, so keep an eye on the website for updates about the program and new teachers.

Personal sessions

You can book an individual session with the various trainers, masseurs and healers for an even deeper experience. Prices and booking on the spot.

      • Tantra massage
      • Empowering photography session
      • Relationship and open counseling sessions
      • Yoni & lingam massage
      • Healing the feminine, pelvis and yoni session
      • Pelvic Heart Integration sexual healing session

Emotional support

The workshops can have a big impact on you, both during and after. There will be an experienced coach in guiding interpersonal processes to be consulted throughout the whole week. Especially ready for you to give meaning and depth to your experiences where necessary for easier integration, insight and growth. he/she holds an hour of free consultation during workshop time and both at the end of the day workshops and in the afternoons for anyone who finds himself in emotional need for personal support.

Pictures of the Tantra festival

International Flow Yoga and Yin Yoga restorative retreat spell 1
Photos People and Atmosphere Courses Sadhaka
International Flow Yoga and Yin Yoga restorative retreat spell

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