Caroline van Wingaarden
- Over 15 years of experience
- Attractive prices
- Beautiful place in the middle of nature
- Sustainable stay
- Good facilities (swimming pond, sauna, water from a natural spring)
Caroline van Wingaarden
Coach in the field of personal development, systemic body work and family and illness constellations.
Caroline uses her coaching skills during the Tantra Festival as a Love Angel to provide individual support to the participants. She facilitates several workshops during the Sadhaka Afterglow. In both weeks she offers individual sessions of Systemic Bodywork that you can book with her on the spot.
“In addition to my 3-year training at Phoenix Opleidingen (2016-2019), Tantric Dance came came into my life in 2017. I started combining systemic work with the dance of the polarities and all kinds of exercises to be more present in the body. The training Systemic Bodywork and Illness Constellations (2021) was a logical next step for me. It was so wonderful to be able to guide people with constellations through the body, allowing them to let go of parts that are not theirs and allowing them to become more present again, their bodies and live life more fully.
During the Sadhaka Afterglow, Caroline will offer several workshops in the field of Systemic work and an evening of ‘Dance in connection’.
Constellations workshop on Soul Potential
In this 2.5 hour workshop you will (re)discover a part of yourself.
What is your talent, your soul mission? Do you dare to live your potential fully?
With the help of small constellations we look at what is holding you back from fully living your potential and from living life fully and passionately. So that you can regain your strength. We expose your deeper desires. What’s holding you back? What has not yet been seen? Which steps will help you to evolve? We recognize each other as if in a mirror and in the recognition you can get to know yourself better. Intimate. Vulnerable.
Systemic constellations are a very powerful yet gentle way to expose the deeper roots of often old(er) patterns, to look at blockages, to learn to look at them in a different way and to take new steps. Where there is a loving presence in your body, things dissolve so that you can live life more fully and you can live your soul potential to the fullest. You will be surprised how powerful this can work together, even if you have no experience with systemic work and (family) constellations.
Individual sessions
Caroline offers individual Systemic Bodywork sessions during the Tantra Festival and the Sadhaka Afterglow.
These are constellations through the body on the treatment table, in which we work based on your desire and the tension in your body. By making visible what has previously not been given a place in your family system, your own life energy can flow again and you experience more space within yourself and more zest for life.